How long should light bulbs last?
Light bulb manufactures adhere to a standard rating for the life of each light bulb called the “rated life.” The rated life is the median time in hours that it takes for each light bulb to burn out. The rated life is the median. Not every Bulb will last exactly the same.
What causes a light bulb burn out?
The most common burn out is caused by filament evaporation. Due to high temperature that the filament is operated at, some of the tungsten begins to evaporate. Since every light bulb is different, the filament does not evaporate evenly. It becomes apparent as soon as part of the filament is thinner than the rest of it, this causes it to either melt or break which causes the bulb not to work.
What is a ballast, and how does it work?
A Ballast is an electrical component used with a fluorescent bulb to conduct electricity at each side of the tube. It supplies the initial electricity to the bulb that creates the light. It also regulates the amount of electricity flowing through the bulb so that it produces the proper amount of light.
What makes compact fluorescent bulbs more energy-efficient?
Regular bulbs create light by heating a filament inside the bulb. The heat makes the filament white-hot, producing the light you see. A fluorescent bulb contains gas that when it is excited by electricity, it hits a coating inside the bulb and emits light. Because fluorescent bulbs do not use heat to create light, they are much more energy-efficient than regular incandescent bulbs.
What is the difference between a black light and a black light blue light bulb?
Black light blue light bulbs have a special deep-blue glass that filters out visible light, producing the mount amount of ultraviolet light possible. Black light blue bulbs are preferred to produce the minimum amount of visible light, especially for sensitive areas.
Why does a halogen light last longer than a regular incandescent light bulb?
Halogen bulbs can last up to two or three times longer than regular bulbs because they are filled with chemically active gases that prevent the filament from evaporating. The gas inside the halogen bulb combines with the tungsten atoms that condense on the glass. A halogen bulb is often 15-20 % more efficient than an ordinary incandescent bulb.
Does switching lights on and off use more energy than leaving them running?
No, however, turning the bulb on and off repeatedly may shorten the life of the bulb. To help the bulb last as long as possible, it is best to leave the bulb on for a warm up period of 10 to 15 seconds.
Can I use a dimmer switch with an energy saving light bulb?
Most of the energy efficient light bulbs are not fully compatible with dimmer switches at this time. A standard dimmer switch will most likely make the energy saving bulb flicker.
What is a halogen bulb?
A halogen bulb is an regular incandescent bulb, with a few differences. AS the tungsten evaporates from the filament, it usually builds up on the inner surface of the bulb. The halogen is chemically reactive and joins with this tungsten deposited on the glass to produce tungsten halides, which then evaporate very easily. When the tungsten halide reaches the filament, the large amount of heat of the filament causes the halide to break down, thus releasing tungsten back to the filament. This is called the halogen cycle.
How does a compact fluorescent light bulb work?
Fluorescent light bulbs contain a gas that produces invisible ultraviolet light when the gas is charges by electricity. The ultraviolet light hits the coating inside the bulb and the coating changes in into the light you can see.
Is it difficult to replace a LCD/DLP Lamp?
Replacing the lamp is not difficult. In most cases all that is required is a screwdriver and 10-15 minutes. Instructions can be provided by the manufacturer.